Recent content by MrMarty51

  1. MrMarty51

    Matt Brackens Trilogy for free jan 15th!

    Amazon Kindle free reader for windeirz right here. Kindle for PC - Read Kindle eBooks on your PC
  2. MrMarty51

    Matt Brackens Trilogy for free jan 15th!

    OH Thank You, I`ll get right onit, geterdone and wurkingk afor I needzit.
  3. MrMarty51

    Joke of the day

    Native American Indian weather broadcast straight off of a reservation TV station in North Dakota: Finally, a weather report that doesn't take 10 minutes to explain with multiple graphics and words that you have no clue as to what they mean. This is direct and to the point...
  4. MrMarty51

    Matt Brackens Trilogy for free jan 15th!

    Now, if someone`ll make a post in here on the 15th then I toooh will rememer.:ehcapt::bowroflwerd6: I wonder though, I do`n has a "Kindle" or any of them other buks, will this load to a flappytop cornfuzor ??? :insane:
  5. MrMarty51


    YUP, Packydurm. :Big Laugh:
  6. MrMarty51

    Bolt Gun Picture Thread

    Welp. I got one passed on to Me. The wifeys Uncle passed away last summer. His two daughters thought that I should have His shotgun and rifle. Seems that all of a sudden one of the hubbys decided that He would take up bird hunting so I relinquished the shotgun. I did however, when returning from...
  7. MrMarty51

    Lets see your Handgun pics!

    Well, I delved in a little deeper and found some more innerestingk facts. Boyoboy, should have bought a lot back in the day. HSCA - No Title
  8. MrMarty51

    Lets see your Handgun pics!

    Well, Thank You.
  9. MrMarty51

    Lets see your Handgun pics!

    And so, too bad about His passing. I will try and see if I can find any information about the shop, see if there`d be any records and possibly get a bit more info. on what had been done to Mine. Thank You very much KWO.
  10. MrMarty51

    So What Did You Do Today?

    Drove this po girl around, during Her lunch break from walmart, so She could finish Her Christmas shoppingk, getum postage stamps and drove Her back to work. I told Her thank you, I needed to git out into duh cold and play in four weeel drive anyhows.
  11. MrMarty51

    A Christmas must see

    God Bless them all, and, Thank You one and all. AMEN
  12. MrMarty51

    Duck Dynasty

    I have watched D.D. but only a few times, i thought it was funny and quite entertaining, actually just before this I had started tuning intoit more often. There is a "Stand By D.D." thingk goingk aroun. I tried to sign in support of the family ut, the website was so busy that affer an hour I...
  13. MrMarty51

    What a beautiful day

    Right now, 2* feels like -8* accordingk to duh weader guesserz. Sunday 1* low -20, Monday hi 26, Tuesday Hi 34 then mid twennies then Thursday 30*. - 22 below on Monday morningk when duh fugging furnace takes a dump, blower motor starts a squeelingk real bad, shut the breaker to off, called the...
  14. MrMarty51

    So lets wake this lounge up.

    hey, where everbody at ?!?!?!?!?! Awaken mine frienz
  15. MrMarty51

    Lets see your Handgun pics!

    Here`s Mine Top is an old Sterling Model:400 in a .380 cal. Safety broke, I got a new one, not yet installed, Who needs a safety anyways ??? It took a bit of testing to find the ammo it really likes, also had to reshape the magazines feed lips to get it to be a fool proof shooter. Mine CC...