If you guys really want to get into prepping there are forums that are singularly made for survivalists.
I am on SHTFready and really like that forum because it has a very friendly member base and everyone is very open but there are also bigger forums like zombie squad and others but they tend...
And I was wildly mistaken and you are Correct BUT... In my defense I have only had the wood stock for a few months since I picked it up on eBay for ~$50 along with a spare blued barrel and band shipped to my door in good condition!
Down the rabbit hole I go, the one place we will all go with...
Any new things to talk about a 10/22?
I'm gonna be working on my gunstock tomorrow and possibly polishing the barrel band if I can get the energy to do it. I will definitely post pictures if y'all are interested!
I've still got a spare blued barrel and band I have no idea what I am going to do...
Same boat my friend same boat.
If you want to check something out look at Vocational Rehab, they will cover your CO pay for your surgeries, pills, and whatnot to get you to working order and back into a better career
It's a pain to get but if you do get it, every little thing helps man
Thank you man it's all good I have come to terms with what I am going to be for the rest of my life and I am alright with it and keeping my head held high for the most part.
I'm so sorry to hear that man I had no idea you had such severe spinal issues also, have you seen the Pro-Disc? That...
I've got a Polaris Trailboss 325 but I tried to get onto it and I can't get my leg up high enough to get on the darned thing. This back brace is frigging restrictive.
I might mod that one, one day with an extra step!
I still need to put an air ride seat on my dodge, It bounces all over the...
Not to ruin a thread but this is why tank track Powerchairs are made, took me 10 minutes to get out of that just so I could get to the back and make sure no one is hunting my land on private property.
Not going back there again, this is a borrowed chair and I'm not gonna tear it up.
L4-L5 and L5-S1
PLIF with Pedicle Screws, Rods, Titanium cage, and Two Bone graphs
Currently on the bone growth stimulator right now and just woke up at 9:30am.
Day two alone, just slightly better since I got up faster but the pain is the same.
Day one all alone sucked but I am still here and did everything possible to keep moving
Hoping for a better day two alone but if its the same I will be alright
Well guys tomorrow is the big day!
My wife is going back to work, I'm gonna be on my own on this one for the first time. One of two things can happen, either I can get out of bed and get to my pain meds so I can walk or if I can't then I lay in bed all day and watch Netflix.
I will army...
Thank you man that means allot! Hey I can't drink for the next 7 months so anytime after that and I get to where i can travel again I'd be honored to have a beer with you!
I like a nice Heineken, Corona with a real lime not that premixed crap, Very Occasionally a single shot of makers mark or...
I hunted around and it is $19,281 for the tank chair, it is very cool though! The thing can even climb stairs!!!
It's nice but I have a wife and son to care for once I get back to a new career so I will just use what I've got and stay positive!
The power chair I have now is borrowed from a...
Haha thanks man, I'm still dangerous even in my Jet 3 I've got it all velcroed up with a holster for pepper spray can, pepper spray pistol, tactical Caine, KABAR... When I'm off the narcotics I will think about putting a gun rack on the back for my 10/22 and a pistol holster for my 5906
That is about like the way I am with the narcotics they have me on from my double spinal fusion I'm recovering from. LOL it's like i have dementia! Thank god for wives! Otherwise I would be off somewhere trying to go hunting and one shot from my .270 would blow out my bone graphs and probably...