cleaning liquid

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
So yesterday I was cleaning my Glock 19 and got the worst damn headache..... does anyone know of any cleaner that thy use that does not smell so damn bad and get u high? Lol, I have used hoppes #9 for along time and it used to be bearable, but as I'm getting older it bothers me more. I know there's other stuff out there just thought I'd ask my homies what they use.......thanks guys
Concealed 27

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Thanks guys I will give one of them a try and will let ya know how I like it... I appreciate the quick responses....
Concealed 27


New member
Think every gun shop in town has the CLP beside the Hoppes, hell even Walmart carrys the CLP. I always get it in the spray can, but it does seem to leak alill sometimes so store it accordenly.


Full Access Member
You guys know that CLP (Cleaner, lubricant, Protectant) comes in many brands. Some smell some don't. BreakFree is good to go. Others may or may not. Better check before you buy.


Full Access Member
Another thought might be are you wearing rubber gloves when you clean them? You might be ingesting a lot of lead!!!!!! who knows what else? Some pretty wicked solvents have been used in cleaners. People who shot a lot should have chelation test done. Just a thought.

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