It's so tingly!


Full Access Member
Who's had frostbite, and what does it feel like? It was bitter cold in WI this week especially Mon-Wed. (single digits with -15/-20 windchills. I work outside, and try to keep exposed skin covered, but it's not always possible when I need to wrench on shit. My finger tips/pads (pinky, ring and middle) on my left hand have been tingling for two days. Almost like they are "asleep". I don't have any discoloration or pain, but it's really annoying.

Anyone able to give me a diagnosis?


Full Access Member
Not I but I would get them in some water for a while. No anti freeze in the system for awhile.


Full Access Member
Sounds like the classic symptoms of minor frostbite right there mate. The liquid in the upper most surface of your skin was frozen and the nerve ending lost the supply of blood needed. Careful out there, any longer and they would have started to freeze the deeper tissue, which is bad and can cause irreversible damage.
I work maintenance and have to be outside a fair bit too. Working with metal tools on metal objects in freezing temps, it's pretty easy to get frozen fingers. Don't even get me started on wiring with frosty fingers.

One trick to stave off frostbite is to clap your hands together as hard as you can. Hard enough that it actually hurts. This will make blood rush to the surface and help warm up your skin temperature a little. Of course this is just a stop gap measure, and won't help for long, but it's something that does get you through long enough to get those last few things done before you warm up properly.

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