Liberals Push Gun Control, Ignorant Rhetoric Following Attacks in Paris


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I cannot imagine the horror the survivors of last night’s attack in Paris witnessed and I pray peace and comfort will embrace the family and friends of the victims. I watched the reports of the attacks unfold on HD, and like many Americans, sat in disbelief feeling helpless and dumbfounded.

As information flooded the airwaves (and honestly right from the start) we knew who had committed these heinous atrocities on the innocent people of France. The threat was made clear and it was only a matter of time before their vow to retaliate was honored. Cut to our President addressing the American people he was elected to serve transparently admitting “I don’t want to speculate on who did this.”

Don’t worry, we all know he didn’t want to speculate much less admit it was the Islamic State responsible for the terrorist attack on France. You know, the same Islamic State he claimed just a few hours earlier was “contained” by US forces?

Searching for information on Twitter for this ‘incoming information’ the President said would be forthcoming, I shouldn’t have been but I was still shocked to see liberals using the tragedy in Paris to call for gun control in America.

In response to the loss of over one hundred and twenty innocent people and more than 350 severely injured in a terrorist attack on France, how could anyone be so dense in thinking the only way to prevent the same thing from happening in America is to make our own people defenseless?

These terrorists drove right into the heart of Paris wielding guns and strapped with explosives, able to shoot and bomb almost 500 people because they weren’t challenged by their victims. Even the progressive President came out saying these were terrorist attacks, but who knows better than the leader of the free world? Moms Demand Action, of course.

Full Article: Liberals Push Gun Control, Ignorant Rhetoric Following Attacks in Paris


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Obamas going to bring 100,00 of them here. WTF He needs to be stopped . Convention of States will do it research and see.
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Full Access Member
Some of these people my be wonderful but all it takes is one. Obama is behind fortified area for the rest of his life for free but not us.


Super Moderator
Our gov has asked the BHO not send them here. From what I understand, there are 59 of them already in NC. What are the chances a couple have ties to ISIS? The humanitarian thing to do is take them in with open arms. The self preservation thing to do is keep them out of our country. As with most other peoples not from the US, They flee the :poop: hole they came from and then try to turn wherever they are into what they fled from.


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Full Access Member
Drug dealers do good math and my pass business school. I am surprised Mizu does not clep them to PHD's . Oh some law schools do that is how Obama got his. Affirmative action at it's finest.

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