How to Evaluate a Force Decision


Some really good advice

Fighting is ugly. Killing is ugly.

Getting involved in any force incident is dangerous and it hurts. Violence affects humans at a very deep emotional level, and when we see or hear of an act of violence most people are sickened or outraged. Our default assumption is that anything that sickens or angers us so much must be wrong.

The Article

Know the law, know what to do, be prepared



Full Access Member
Some really good advice

The Article

Know the law, know what to do, be prepared


I don't agree with the point in this article that says use only the minimum force when shooting a felonious attacker. I disagree. If i ever have to shoot, it will be a desperate scene. I will shoot my attacker at least three times with my G17. And I use 115gr +p+ JHPs,


Full Access Member
LEOs use minimum force....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................NOT.


Minimum Force: The least impact on the other person’s life. Kill only if injuring won’t work; injure only if pain won’t work; pain only if pushing or holding won’t work; verbal if that will work; no force at all is best.

Maybe the golden rule, but there is no way one can script every situation, time is measured in milliseconds and there are no do overs. One must do what they think in the fraction of a millisecond they are afforded and then hopefully "live" and deal with the results of that choice.

I will only shoot to kill so I have to be sure. If I was LT McClain, maybe I could aim to maim, but I'm just never going to be that good of a shot


Full Access Member
Don't shoot to kill. Shoot to stop the assault, If perp dies it's his own fault. Only judges have the right to kill.

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