Know Thy Enemy - Gun Control


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Interesting website dedicated to informing you of Obama's history on guns control. There's just no telling what he'll be capable of with a second term.

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Full Access Member
4 years ago, he said he didn't care what the constitution says and he intends to disregard it.


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I'm guilty of chastising people who are hung up on their little social issues and don't/won't take the "what's best for the country" into consideration. I guess Gun Control could be considered one of those social issues if it weren't for the Second Amendment.

I'd have to say that getting the country back on track is even more important than gun control. Fortunately, IMO getting the right guy into office gets rid of the gun control problem so it's a win/win from my point of view. Unless Romney has something up his sleeve. But I believe Romney is much more of a Constitutionalist and won't "executive order" or "Fast & Furious" it. Have to wait and see.
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I'm unfamiliar with the topic now, but since the assault weapons ban expired, I think it's almost all but too late for them to do anything.


Super Moderator
I'm unfamiliar with the topic now, but since the assault weapons ban expired, I think it's almost all but too late for them to do anything.

It depends on if they can create a situation that everyone get up in arms about and gives them the backing to pass something. Fast & Furious was one of the situations that fortunately back fired on them. Unfortunately, innocent people had to die (which means nothing to them in order to further their cause) in this false flag event. I don't know if he can do it or not but Obama is real fond of those Executive Orders.


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UN Gun Treaty Getting Presidential Support

"Naysayers simply state that the UN Arms Trade Treaty has more to do with controlling the flow of guns into rogue, third-world nations, than restricting the 2nd Amendment. However, that doesn’t appear to be the language in the last draft. The New American writes:

Section III, Paragraphs 7 and 8 of the Programme of Action mandate that if a member state cannot get rid of privately-owned small arms legislatively, then the control of “customs, police, intelligence, and arms control” will be placed under the power of a board of UN bureaucrats operating out of the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs.

Obviously, the Obama administration is just itching to pass this monstrosity through the UN. Once that happens, the UN itself says that they are mandated to take control of ‘customs, police, intelligence, and arms control’. Who do you think will not comply with this treaty in any form? The states and the citizenry."


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As far as I am concerned, any foreign "authority" who attempts to come onto US soil and violate the constitution is, without question, committing an act of war.


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Theoretically, a treaty cannot trump an amendment. But I wouldn't put it past them to try it. I've read where an Executive Order cold skirt around it somehow. The treaty would have to be ratified in the House & Senate. We still have the numbers in the house to shut it down if they will.


New member
I feel bad for the families of the UN soldiers sent here to take our guns. I have a feeling we won't just walk up and hand them over.


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Have you guys seen this? I'm not too familiar with the NRA so I am not sure of their political agenda, but they are an obvious advocate for the 2nd amendment. But how much is this video skewed to achieve their political statement? And if it's not skewed at all, then I don't see our gun control issue to be a problem with the NRA backing us. The only issue right now is people running rampant and buying all the guns/ammo they can. I can't even find any ammo for my gun just so I can go to the range.


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I never said our current administration would honor the law of the land. We have a jackass in chief who has openly stated and proven that he will disregard the constitution and a bunch of spineless minions in congress.


Full Access Member
I would agree in a world where the Government still held the constitution as the final word. I don't think we're in that world anymore.
Much agreed, we are being "legislated" by way too many that are out of touch with my America! Let'em come to the mountains, we are real touchy about our guns and Bibles...

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