New guy


New member
Hello, my nick is Kakadu ( currently can't confirm my true name).

I was an officer in the Israeli Army ( IDF ) now a reservist.

28 years old, married.

Like weapons, espeically western ( USA, Europe and Israeli made ).


New member
I actually liked the Barrett M-82 most since I was with the snipers at the begining.
My personal weapon was an M-4 Flat-Op with a Trijicon ASOG magnifier.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
The way our government hasn't done much building a fence along our southern border, I think we should contract Israel to finish it for us and hire guys like you to watch over it..I am sure your country would do a better job than what we have now.


Super Moderator
Open boarders coming in unless you live here already.

I'll probably get beat up like Trump but I want all the illegals out too. Build a wall, deport and then come back through the proper channels. I'd never heard of a sanctuary city until this San Francisco shooting occurred. Hows that workin' out for ya?

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