Safety (amateur question)


Full Access Member
Hello everone

I have a question most of you might find a bit stupid :facepalm: , but being from gun-free germany I couldn't solve it in any other way.

Does a modern shotgun, like a Mossberg 590 or simmilar, have a safety catch?
Or is there no such thing on these things, and they are ready to shoot as soon as they have a round chambered?

Thanks for your time


Super Moderator
They have a safety. Most all modern guns have a safety of some sort. Be it a switch that you flip on or off or built into the trigger mechanism or grip somehow.

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Full Access Member
Even the ones on the guns fail that is why we point them at something we don't care about when testing safety.


Super Moderator
Even the ones on the guns fail that is why we point them at something we don't care about when testing safety.

This is true too. And to further agree with you, the first safety switch is the one between the ears. The other mechanical safeties are for redundancy. But all too often we hear how someone gets shot while cleaning their gun. The rules to gun safety are simple. But you have to use your brain to follow them.


Full Access Member
Brain and alcohol = daaaaaa. Not saying all AD 's are drink related but most have a person involved. Even when I was shot b y the dog.


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Cross bolt safety, common on many shotguns, located in front of or behind the trigger guard. Shown here on a CZ 712 Utility shotgun, behind the trigger guard. Red rings are "Fire" warning, safety is off.


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