Funny Pics

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
1st drink with daughter......

I was reading an article last night about fathers and daughter’s, and memories came flooding back of the time I took my daughter out for her first pint.

Off we went to our local pub which is only two blocks from the house.

I got her a Moosehead. She didn’t like it, so I drank it.

Then I got her a Keith’s, She didn’t like it, so I drank it.

It was the same with the Coors and the Bud.

By the time we got down to the whiskey, I could hardly push the stroller back home.


Super Moderator
OK, so you've married the hot/sane chick. But 20 years down the road she's not so hot or sane anymore. Like the inverse of the hot/crazy line. She's now a 3 on the hot scale and a 9 on the crazy scale. Now what do you do? I'm not asking for myself if you're wondering.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
so a blonde gets on a airplane

So a blonde get's on an airplane headed for Los Angeles. She has a ticket assigned to the coach section, when she gets to her seat, she can see 1st class, and all the added spiff's, so she gets up goes into 1st class & sits down.

The stewardess explains that she can't stay there but the blonde insists that she is not leaving. Another stewardess tries and has the same result. The blonde just won't budge.

They tell the pilot what is going on. He walks over to the blonde whispers something in her ear. She immediately gets up and goes back to her assigned seat.

Now the stewardess's can't believe it was so easy for the pilot, so they ask him what he said. He simply stated "I told her that 1st class isn't going to Los Angeles"


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Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Well I got a redhead so I fail the scale.... and it's my ex girlfriends little sister..lmao
I'm a psycho when it it comes to women

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
f:'k face

I know a few of these people......


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Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Parrot and Fool on a plane,,,,,,

A man boards an airliner, takes his seat, and is surprised to find a large purple parrot in the seat next to him.
The aircraft takes off and a pretty flight attendant walks down the aisle past the man and his seatmate. "Hey, b--ch," said the parrot, "bring me a whiskey and soda, and make it snappy!"
The flight attendant looks annoyed, but walks on. A minute later, she walks back up the aisle and the parrot pipes up again: "Holy smokes, you lazy 'wench', where's my whiskey? Hurry it up!"
Visibly flustered, the FA hurries up the aisle and returns quickly with the parrot's drink.
Impressed with the parrot's technique, the man decides to get some quick service for himself.
"Hey, tramp," says the man, "Get me a dry martini. And don't drag your sorry 'rump' - I want it right now!"
The FA turns red with anger and runs to the front of the plane.
In a moment she returns with the First Officer and two burly male flight attendants.
The crewmen seize the passenger and the parrot, jerk open the emergency door, and hurl them both out of the airplane at 20,000 feet.
As the two hurtle out the door, the parrot says to the man, "Ya know, for someone who can't fly, you got a lotta guts."


Full Access Member
Even white boys gotta shout.

Wow! a Sir Mix-a lot reference. On a sunday even?

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Yeah but my girl has a great gotta luv it, she is so sexy imho..... she is so sexey...... luv my home girl so normal


Super Moderator


I actually feel he should be taken out of office due to "No Confidence".
He has no idea what he's doing. Totally inept. Unless destroying the country is his goal.

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