

Full Access Member
Well been out of it for a while...starting a new job Monday, moving to Nashville, selling our home of 9+ years and gonna do a private academy schooling due to the rotten to the common, how have you guys been?
Hopefully we can do a little more shooting!

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Best of luck my friend, Nashville is a fun place. Good move on home schooling with our terrible public school system. Hope your move goes smooth that's always a pain in the ass....
Concealed 27

ninja man

Full Access Member
Well been out of it for a while...starting a new job Monday, moving to Nashville, selling our home of 9+ years and gonna do a private academy schooling due to the rotten to the common, how have you guys been?
Hopefully we can do a little more shooting!
instead of selling your house, how bout you give it to me?


Full Access Member
Haha. As cheap as the comparison is, you could have mine paid off in months instead of years.


Full Access Member
Enjoy your new area.

I find whenever I move to a new place to just spend a weekend drivnig around randomly, trying to track where I am along the way.

Just to get a lay of the place.


Active member
When I moved to my new home, I spent about 5 minutes looking around and I haven't really been around the area yet. I have lived here for about a year now and I still don't know any of my neighbors hehe. I suppose I am not much of a social individual.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Glad things are working out for ya brother what a day to celebrate, labor day and ur family I'm sure u miss dearly.....Hope u enjoy ur weekend swss we will hear from ya soon I hope my friend.....God Bless


Full Access Member
Whazzz uppp? Got the family moved last weekend. Starting to normalize for once! Hope you guys are well!

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
glad you got your family with that is real Important and im glad u got settled in.....god bless and take care......

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