WeaponsForum Giveaway Round 1 WINNERS

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Ordered an ammo can today with my amazon gift card for my 22 LR ammo. The at will make 5 ammo cans total that all cases will be full...:) I got a few stickers too so I will post pics when I get my first order, still have $75 left on card and i want to thank all who made this possible for me again..alot of kind and caring people here on WF........
Concealed 27


Full Access Member

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
St you know what I like...... your teasinging me with all that ass shaking!!!!!!!! I love women more than guns which is saying alot but thank you you make m happy with your women posts....... nothing better than a women shooting a rifle and ass shaking, thanks brother..?
Concealed 27


Super Moderator
Dog looked that good lots of us strait guys would be in trouble.

I couldn't make that call until I see the face. I have seen some guys with a feminine figure (from a distance). Could not tell if it was a he or a she until you get a frontal view. So I'll let you have this one. Be my guest.:jester:


Full Access Member
That's one of the things i like about this forum, People are always willing to go the extra mile. :favorites13:

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
What a girl, my dream wife or sure...... can't beat that body in my book and the fact that she can handle a Barrett makes me more attracted......thanks for your research my friend....
Concealed 27

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