I am so stoked to go to this course


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I always noticed people stepping aside and such, but I just always thought it was people being courteous and that's what we all normally did. I guess I've just always took my size for granted. Bad part about that is for us big guys, when and if we are ever in a situation with a bad guy and a gun, chances are he's immediately going to take us out.


Super Moderator
I always noticed people stepping aside and such, but I just always thought it was people being courteous and that's what we all normally did. I guess I've just always took my size for granted. Bad part about that is for us big guys, when and if we are ever in a situation with a bad guy and a gun, chances are he's immediately going to take us out.

1. This is why I conceal carry. Don't want to make myself he/she/it's first target.

2. That's why I usually try to sit with my back to a wall so I can keep my eye's on things.

Unless I'm mad about something, I'm typically very easy going. My wife says I'm very "approachable". People are always coming up to me and talking about my height. Even little kids like to talk to me.

But when I've had enough, It's not difficult to read me either. Leave me alone and get out of my way.
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Super Moderator
1. This is why I conceal carry. Don't want to make myself he/she/it's first target.

2. That's why I usually try to sit with my back to a wall so I can keep my eye's on things.

Unless I'm mad about something, I'm typically very easy going. My wife says I'm very "approachable". People are always coming up to me and talking about my height. Even little kids like to talk to me.

But when I've had enough, It's not difficult to read me either. Leave me alone and get out of my way.

You think EXACTLY like I do. I like having the option of open carry, but I prefer not to for the reason you suggest. I'd be the first target, no questions asked, just caught off-guard and snuffed before I had a chance to respond. Also, I prefer conceal carry for people like my mother. She's not one that should carry and she doesn't. My brothers try talking her into it, and I just won't allow it untill she feels comfortable and confident by doing so. If most carriers are concealed, there's a level of protection for those who don't carry too since bad guys have to guess, is she or isn't she???

I too prefer to be observant. If ever I get into a situation, I hope I have a way to step into a void or out of sight for a minute or two to be able to make a quick evaluation before I just pulled it out and went to work otherwise just hands up and act like all the other scared puppets until I seen right opportunity. Of course we can all play the, I'da, woudla, coulda, shoulda bullshit but in a real life situation we need to realize it's going to be very very different and much easier said than done. That easier said than done is exactly why I think everyone should do scenario training or thinking. This way if you ever do get into a situation, you may have already ran a scenario through your mind that is somewhat similar or even somewhat different and why you should handle it this way or that way instead of like that scenario.

In reality, we being the good guys, and IF WE'VE PRACTICED and continue to practice and train, we do and will have the advantage over an armed thug or 2. Most of them thugs are like a cheap camera. They just point and shoot. They don't practice, they don't tactical train. So long as we, the good guys, don't panic and keep ourself under control for the most part, we will have the advantage in all aspects. The mental advantage, the emotional advantage, and the tactical advantage. I think the hardest part if ever getting into one of these bad situations is going to be trying to keep all the good guys and innocent people safe. The thugs don't care who gets hurt, we do.


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The other reason I prefer concealed is the gun haters and those who are scared of guns. I've overheard conversations about how scared a person was of guns them not knowing they were within 5 feet of one. It just makes things.......easier.


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I honestly don't worry to much about those gun haters. I do have a little empathy for those who are scared of them. Though it doesn't seem the haters or those who are scared of them seem to be to worried when it's a cop carrying one. It might very well be their own life that is saved by someone else who is lawfully carrying so the haters can just hate.

Yep, I am thankful for those who worked on Open Carry. As said, it's not my first choice but I'm glad we have the option. I know we don't want any more laws but I'd hope those who do choose to open carry would use a SERPA holster for not only their protection but everyone elses too. You're standing in line at a Walmart, pick up one of the latest magazines or tabloids and read it while waiting, both your hands are busy, your mind isn't on your weapon, there's not a thing to keep a thug standing behind you to reach around pull your weapon and take off running with it. Which is also another reason I prefer to conceal carry. There are times on hot days, I do end up open carry and it's nice to not have to worry about the laws. Sometimes it's safer on my hip open carry than left in my vehicle depending on where I'm at so I like the option to open carry if I have to.


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I am looking at taking this training again in October.
Am a lot more buff now so hopefully the fights will be a bit easier.

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