I need new weaponry to top off my latest performances.


New member
I am here as an anonymous user, more or less.

To me, a gun is like a brush, the bullets flowing from without as paint on my canvas falls. My only interest here is new weaponry to top off my performances.

I like, almost prefering handguns, often with heavy scaling meant for two handed use, revolvers and semi autos work both, but I care most about dramatic effect and making every bullet I use count.

This handgun has been a favorite of mine for some time now, but as of late I have grown tired of bringing perfection to others with something so common to me now, like a playwright reusing quotes. I need something worthy, something magnificent on that magnitude, maybe better.

I'm not here for anything else.


Active member
People use to find beauty in the human form and now days it is viewed, at least in America, as a shameful display of flesh. I hope that as you look for the newest piece you find something that moves you and can last the test of time. Welcome to the Weapons Forum.


New member
Welcome from Pistolburgh, Taxylvania.
I love some extras, & moderate bling on a handgun. This trait has developed as I have matured to this AARP status.
It is a might scary, cause I was a fan of the...." strictly businesses" look, for decades.

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