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    Woodsmaster 742

    Well, Remington just gave me a list of gunsmiths that could help. I might try calling again to see if a different person can give different results. Hate to pay hundreds for a rifle worth less than I'll be putting into it and the possibility of still not working properly.
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    Woodsmaster 742

    Thanks, I'll give that a try. I inherited the gun and always liked it growing up so it would be fun to have again.
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    Woodsmaster 742

    So I have a woodsmaster 742 that jams on the first shot, every single time. I've done all I can and she is just beyond my knowledge and skill level (at this point) to fix. Anyone know someone that fixes them or any kits, etc?
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    AR & AK mag group buy!

    Woooo! Got it straightened out with the PO and the guy brought the packages himself to my work. Still irritating but I got everything now. Thanks, Brad! Sorry for the confusion with the PO.
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    AR & AK mag group buy!

    Just talked to the guy at the post office. Really a jerk about the whole thing but is looking into it. Apparently our postman has done this to several people in the past month. I'll let you know what happens when he calls me back. Thanks for looking out!
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    AR & AK mag group buy!

    AR & AK mag group buy! Sent a check today! Thanks!
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    AR & AK mag group buy!

    AR & AK mag group buy! Looks like we passed the 50 mark!
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    AR & AK mag group buy!

    AR & AK mag group buy! Brother is down for 5 AK mags.
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    AR & AK mag group buy!

    AR & AK mag group buy! I can go for 3 of the Pmags, and my brother may be interested in the AKs. I'll post again if he is.
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    Nice links. Thanks.
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    Favorite Handgun?

    I loving this XD-S most at the moment.
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    Chiappa Triple Barrel Shotgun

    I would love to own this! I don't know if it's worth $1300 to me though.
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    Ted Nugent owns Piss Morgan Again !!!

    Shiz just got real.
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    any left handed guys?

    I can't imagine the pain. I'm in the southeast below Pine Bluff. Pretty good ways from Jonesboro. I have a few friends in that area though.
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    Im not buying any of her stuff.

    So if I steal a ton of guns I can just sell it to them without any questions. This seems like a great idea...
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    any left handed guys?

    That sucks. Sorry man. Must admit I'm kinda curious about it... The story and how it looks. Don't mean to be offensive at all.
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    Accidental Discharge of 12gu at Gun Show

    Unless for self defense, what idiot transports a loaded gun anyway? There is always someone in the bunch that makes everyone else look stupid.
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    Hit Gun haters where it counts
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    Hit Gun haters where it counts

    I'm all for this. I already avoid those I know are against guns. It would be very helpful to have a list. I know the NRA has some sort of list like this.
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    Need mags?

    That's awesome! This truly makes me want a 3D printer.